Web Watch knows a guy who spends his life traveling around the world – not for work, but just for fun. Because he’s young, and he can do it.
Sure, he has a job, but his job didn’t allow him to travel. Didn’t require him to ever leave his office. So he decided to go on the road on his own, taking his office with him.
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Our friend is lucky, as his job doesn’t require him to be located in any one fixed location. As long as he has a constant Internet connection, he can do his job from anywhere.
And he does.
He’ll spend a week in one city, a month in another. Jumping around the world to wherever he desires to visit. Hotels, apartments, crashing at friend’s houses – it’s all fair game. He even spent a week at a Mount Everest base camp… again, just because he could.
Funny thing was, he said that he had better Internet connectivity at that Everest base camp than he had in some (major) cities around the world. Go figure.
Perhaps if our buddy had decided to stick around one of the TOP TEN INTERNET CITIES as listed by Future Cities, then maybe he wouldn’t need to jump around the world as much as he does.
These rankings were based on the average Internet connection speed, amount of free WiFi available, and other factors that shout Internet-friendly. They were:
- Amsterdam
- Geneva
- Hong Kong
- Montreal
- Prague
- Seattle
- Seoul
- Stockholm
- Tokyo
- Vienna