Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Students DARED to write SHOCKING dissertations! You won’t believe what happened next!

By now, you’re probably already familiar with the CLICKBAIT website offshoot of popular Fake News site THE ONION, called CLICKHOLE.

Clickhole is trying to do for clickbait news articles and websites (think Huffington Post) what The Onion did for, well, old-school news writing.  Anything that could be said in a clickable headline to generate a clickthrough is what Clickhole is aiming for.

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SURE you can.  And it’s easy.

Take a look at CLICKBAIT DISSERTATIONS for just one example of how this can be done.  This site takes a legitimate doctoral thesis and converts the title into an interesting clickable headline.

Take some of these example.  You tell us which headline is more likely to get you clicking:



Yeah, the clickbait versions may be just a little bit misleading, but isn’t that what clickbait is all about?  Who cares how it got you to read these PhD papers – at least you thought they’d be interesting!

So try this at your next family function: you know that story you’re going to tell about Little Jimmy’s day at school?  Try prefacing it with an astonishing preface and see if people are more interested in what you have to say than they are normally.