Web Gangsta – Web Watch

If you drive one of these cars, you’re about to get hacked

As cars get more and more sophisticated these days, so do criminals who are out to get you or your vehicle.

Where old-school James Bond villains would merely attach tracking devices to your rear axle as you drive away, today’s criminal minds can be more nefarious – and perhaps even untraceable.

Toyota Prius

That’s because security researchers have IDENTIFIED THESE CARS AS BEING THE “MOST HACKABLE”, whether it be via bluetooth connection or other on-board system that the car has in place:

Want to play it safe? Maybe you should be driving a Dodge Viper, Audi A8, or the old reliable Honda Accord instead.

Are there ways to protect yourself?  Not yet – but there are some practical device prototypes that are being investigated.  What should you do for now?  There’s not much you can do, other than make sure you know every device that’s trying to connect wirelessly to your vehicle.  If you don’t know it, don’t allow it.