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The Best Way to Carve a Turkey for Thanksgiving

Every Thanksgiving, families everywhere dread the final part of the meal preparation process: CARVING THE TURKEY.

Why does it have to be so difficult?

It’s not, really.  All you have to do is follow these simple steps.

Official Turkey Carver

First things first – get rid of that fancy electric knife.  Carving a turkey isn’t difficult if you have the proper tools to do it with, and an electric knife just gets in your way.

Nope, the first thing you need is the sharpest chef’s knife you can get.  Don’t use that honing stick that came in your multi-knife set to pretend to “sharpen” your knife before you start. That’s not a knife sharpener at all.  You need to prepare early, and take your knives to a professional knife sharpener, where you can have your knives sharpened for about $5 per blade (prices in your city may vary, but it won’t be much more than that).  Trust us, it’s worth it to have sharp knives.  Do this once a year, thank us later.

Next, ignore the OFFICIAL TURKEY CARVING INSTRUCTIONS posted by BUTTERBALL on their site.  It’ll get you where you’re going, but you won’t like the journey.

So here’s the plan, and it works really well.  Use that sharp chef’s knife like a pro, and work the turkey like this:

Of course, if you want your carving to look fancy, then follow these similar directions (with photos!) as posted on SERIOUS EATS’ TURKEY CARVING GUIDE.

Gobble Gobble!