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Looking for a new pet? Try this color-coded pet matching service!

You would love to have a new pet. 

You’ve always loved dogs and cats, but now that you’re a little bit older and settled into your personal lifestyle, maybe it’s time to take another look at what would be the best pet for you.

Besides – you would hate to go to your local pet shop or adoption shelter and pick a new companion without having any idea of whether that animal would fit in with your expectations.

Adopt the Perfect Dog For You: Secrets to Avoiding a Dog Adoption Nightmare

And that’s where the ASPCA’s new MEET YOUR MATCH program can help.

They’ve identified specific personality traits for cats, puppies, and adult dogs that can help you determine if the pet you’re thinking about adopting is going to fit in with your expectations.

For cat lovers, here are the nine types of feline personality types that your new cat may exhibit:

Puppy personality traits are:

Adult dogs are classified into one of these types:

Shelters that participate in the program can assess the pets on their own, using ASPCA’s guidelines.  It takes anywhere from 10-15 minutes for a professional to place the adoptee into a specific category, but those people looking to add a new pet to their lives really appreciate knowing what type of animal they’ve be bringing home.  

Can an assessment change?  Sure… all behaviour is influenced by a variety of factors.  But the key of the Meet Your Match program is to really bring together pets and owners with similar expectations of each other.   Some have equated the program to be a MATCH.COM for Pets and Owners, and they’d be mostly right.

Why not, right?