Web Gangsta – Web Watch

The 5 Grossest Foods You’re Eating RIGHT NOW

Web Watch isn’t the best to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be eating, most likely because we would never listen to a thing we say about this (“do as we say, not as we do” doesn’t apply to us, it seems).

But our good friends over at EAT THIS, NOT THAT have come up with a list of the FIVE GROSSEST THINGS YOU’RE EATING that will probably make you think again about the crap that you’re putting into your body every day.


Eat This Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide

You’d think that with a title like that, the list would be fairly disgusting.

Take item #5, for instance.

“Grain products”

Really?  That’s the grossest thing you can come up with that we’re putting into our bodies?

Well, it’s kinda true.  They’re talking about some of the additives found in packaged breads (likely our favorite white squishy bread, perfect for grilled cheese and PB&J sandwiches).  Things like bird feathers.

Yeah, thought so.  Kinda gross, right?

What were the other 4 items on their list?