Every Thanksgiving it’s the same thing: you eat as much as you humanly can, take a quick nap, then stuff your pie hole some more with food that wasn’t that good to begin with – let alone after it’s been sitting out and congealed for the past 4 hours.
Tag: diet
Which Halloween Candy is Worse for You?
The sad part is which delightful, popular candy tops the list as the WORST CANDY YOU COULD POSSIBLY WANT TO EAT FOR HALLOWEEN (or anytime of year). Watch the video to discover the horrible, horrible truth.
People in China are stereotypically believed to live longer, healthier lives – primarily based on their dietary habits. And as stereotypes go, that’s really not a bad judgement call to make on anyone’s part. Who wouldn’t want to be naturally considered healthier than those around you, solely based on your heritage or where you currently live?
Well, perhaps there’s something more at steak (HA!) than what we think is happening, diet-wise.
Everybody is always on some sort of diet, and all diets basically end up being the same thing:
Eat less than your body needs for fuel.
So if you eat a lot, you need to exercise more. If you don’t exercise a lot, then you should eat less. And the types of foods you eat should be considered relatively “healthy” compared to cookies, cake, and ice cream.
Remember, kids – “delicious” doesn’t always equate to “good for you”.
Everybody seems to be on some sort of diet these days.
And for the most part, diets do their job of reducing caloric intake and helping people lose their desired weight (when combined with a proper exercise program, of course).
But as we’ve said in the past, some diets are better than others. But the core of most diets are that you should be able to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.
Or maybe not.
Fruit and Vegetable Basket:
Pretend Play Toy Foods for Children’s Kitchen
When you’re on a diet, you tend to dramatically change your eating habits in order to comply with the menu you’ve put together.
Whether it be South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers — every diet requires self-discipline and monitoring, in addition to switching out all the yummy fun sugary carbs with lots of boring vegetables and fruits.
If you have a scale at home, how do you weigh yourself?
Most people agree that it really doesn’t matter how you weigh yourself, as long as however you do it, you do it consistently. Always weigh yourself before your shower, after your shower, in the morning, at night — whatever you choose, just keep doing the same thing every time.
Web Watch could make a million dollars by supplying doctors and physician offices with a stack of Post-It Notes and prescription pads that have LOSE WEIGHT and GET MORE EXERCISE printed on them as part of the standard checkup diagnosis.
There may be rare cases where a physician tells a patient that they have to eat more in order to maintain certain aspects of health, but the vast majority of us do need to lose some weight or get more exercise on a regular basis.