
If your job suddenly required you to milk a cow, would you do it?

Not everybody has to milk a cow as part of their job.  Farmers, sure. But every day folks? Not so much.

And definitely not celebrities. Not unless they were researching for a movie role or something.

Being Miss America: Behind the Rhinestone Curtain
Being Miss America:
Behind the Rhinestone Curtain

10 Things food Travel

Who eats more meat, China or the US? (You’ll be surprised by the answer)

People in China are stereotypically believed to live longer, healthier lives – primarily based on their dietary habits. And as stereotypes go, that’s really not a bad judgement call to make on anyone’s part. Who wouldn’t want to be naturally considered healthier than those around you, solely based on your heritage or where you currently live?

Well, perhaps there’s something more at steak (HA!) than what we think is happening, diet-wise.

Meat is Murder
Meat is Murder


How much milk does a hand-milked cow produce?

Cow milking world championships are not without controversy.  Who moo?


The Small-Scale Dairy: The Complete Guide to Milk Production for the Home and Market
The Small-Scale Dairy:
The Complete Guide to Milk Production for the Home and Market

Funny News Science

Weird News: Cows do not like Cowbells

Web Watch will refrain from making any “MORE COWBELL” jokes with this story: COWS DO NOT LIKE COWBELLS

Giant Cowbell
Yes, it’s a Giant Cowbell

food How To

Happy cows are milk-producing cows

They say that when people are happy at work, they become more productive employees.

Happy life, happy wife indeed.

But can the same be true for animals?  If you believe what’s going on with cows these days, then maybe you’ll change your tune.

Lamaze Musical Cow
Lamaze Musical Cow

food Games How To

Competitive Milk Tasting: a how-to guide

If you’re an aspiring high school student looking for something to either pad your resume with OR if you’re looking for a rewarding career with very limited competition for a job opening (compared to other, more common offerings) – then has Web Watch have an option for you:


The Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products
The Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products

Funny How To News

Cowtipping 101: How to tip a cow

Have you ever gone cowtipping?

Do you know someone who has gone cow tipping?

If you found yourself in a position where you needed to tip a cow over, would you know how to do it?


Cow Tipping
Cow Tipping

How To

How to potty-train a cow

Scientists are always looking for the next, best thing.

And in their quest to determine how much air and environmental pollution farm animals contribute to the Earth each year, it can become necessary to teach those same farm animals how to do their business on demand.

Think of this along the lines of you you’d housebreak a dog, or teach a cat to use the toilet instead of a litter box — all animals can be taught to associate bathroom time with a specific action, method or command — the object with farm animals is that you’re dealing with the same on a much, much bigger scale.