How To Video

What’s the best way to tie your shoes?

It’s quite possible, after all these years, that you’ve been tying your shoes all wrong.

Would you believe that it’s taken a mathematician — one who wears lace-free Birkenstocks — to figure out what the BEST WAY TO TIE YOUR SHOELACES happens to be? Let’s take a look:

Movies TV Websites

How to watch streaming TV

There are dozens of paid streaming services, and what seems like hundreds of other free or ad-supported streaming channels out there these days.

The average household is subscribed to at least two different paid streaming services (as of this writing, it’s usually some combination of Disney+, Netflix, and Amazon Prime… but Hulu is making a strong case for it so be in the mix too… and there’s always AT&T’s HBO MAX and Comcast’s PEACOCK service coming out later this month. And let’s not even start with YouTube’s free or paid services. Whew!)

But the biggest question that people ask Web Watch is “how do you know which streaming service has the shows that you want to watch?

How To Video

What to Watch on YouTube in Quarantine

YouTube has some terrific free channels with exclusive content being posted during the shelter-in-place/Quarantine timeframe we’re in. Here are some suggestions for you:

Video Websites

The WORST YouTube Videos, Ever

You know how you have all your friends sharing with you the most awesome VIRAL VIDEO that they’ve seen today?

Don’t you hate it when those viral videos that they think are awesome are some video that you’ve seen, like, TWO MONTHS AGO?

If the video is truly meant to be viral, everyone in the world would be talking about it at that moment in time.  Viral videos don’t take months upon months to reach saturation – they’re relatively instant when they hit.

But all viral videos have to start somewhere.  How would YOU like to be the FIRST PERSON TO SEE A VIDEO and then be the one to promote it?

You’d have FAME!

You’d have NOTORIETY!



How much money does YouTube pay when a video goes viral?

It’s everybody’s goal to get a viral video posted on YouTube.

Is it for the fame?  Is it to get some sort of licensing deal so you can sell animatronic toys based on your pet cat?

Keyboard Cat
Keyboard Cat

Funny How To News

Cowtipping 101: How to tip a cow

Have you ever gone cowtipping?

Do you know someone who has gone cow tipping?

If you found yourself in a position where you needed to tip a cow over, would you know how to do it?


Cow Tipping
Cow Tipping

Video Websites

The Absolute Worst Video on YouTube

YouTube can be a major timewaster.

How many times have you clicked over to watch a video your buddy sent you, only to find yourself clicking around and around at other random clips you’ve never seen before, until the next thing you know you’ve wasted your entire lunch hour and haven’t even left your desk?

The Very Worst Song Ever
The Very Worst Song Ever

10 Things Disney How To Internet Music TV Websites

Year in Review: 2012’s most popular Web Watch articles and searches

Thanks to all of you who took the time to visit WEB WATCH in 2012.

For those of you who weren’t able to read Web Watch every day, here’s a quick look at what everyone took a look at while they were here.