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What would Batman eat?

One thing about Superheroes – with all that spandex, certain body issues come into play.

Spiderman? Definitely.

Superman?  For sure.

The Hulk? Not so much.

But Batman – he has more issues than a subscription to LIFE magazine.

What’s the Matter With Batman?:
An Unauthorized Clinical Look Under the Mask of the Caped Crusader

There’s that heavy cowl, the Batman Utility Belt, and absolutely no actual superpowers to speak of.

So of all the Superheroes, Batman is really the only one that really needs to focus on his health moreso than the others.  He’s got to work out on a regular basis, rely on possibly outdated or buggy technology, and really be sure to eat right so he doesn’t put on extra poundage that would prevent his armor from fitting right.

That’s the basis behind a clinical study about PRIMING CHILDREN TO MAKE HEALTHIER FAST-FOOD CHOICES, simply by asking your children if their order of extra-large french fries would be a snack that Batman would choose for himself.

The premise is that when children are presented questions about their personal heroes’ eating habits (whether it be fictional superheroes like Batman or Spiderman or real-life folks that we read about in the news every day), kids are well-enough aware to know what the “right” answer is versus the “tasty, delicious” answer.

When asked if Batman would eat apple slices or french fries with their meal, 45% of kids surveyed correctly chose the apple slices.

So if you’re having trouble getting your kids to eat healthier, try presenting the options to them in terms they can relate to.

Of course, if you ask “What would Hulk eat?”, the answer is pretty much going to be, “Hulk eat everything! Hulk smash!”

So choose your superheroes wisely.