Web Gangsta – Web Watch

What do women want? Sex. How do they want it? Like this…

Women can be finicky.

On the one hand, they want to be treated like a princess.  On the other, they like to also be 100% completely in charge of their destiny.

Who’s to say that the two need to be mutually exclusive? 

The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them

That today’s women know what they want and know how to get it has empowered them to demand the best things in life, even when it comes to what they’re expecting in the bedroom.  And as Fifty Shades of Grey has taught us, women everywhere are starting to take charge of their own personal, intimate experiences.

So go about and sow your wild oats.  Relive your college days.  Experiment a little bit.

That’s the premise behind The Frisky’s list of 12 KINDS OF SEX EVERY WOMAN NEEDS TO HAVE BEFORE SHE SETTLES DOWN.   Of course, Web Watch is wondering why these have to be limited to “before she settles down”, but who are we to nitpick that particular detail, as long as it leads to long-term happiness in the final long-term relationship.

Here’s some highlights from the list:

From the looks of this article, it looks like it’s basically a College Relationship Bucket List for the most part.  But don’t feel that you must complete the list during those impressionable years – try saving some things for when you’re older.

Christian Grey would definitely approve.