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Pop Quiz: At what age do men reach maturity?

Everyone knows that women mature faster than men do.

Whether it be obvious in that 5th grade health class where everybody learns about the upcoming puberty changes, or the way girls advance in Honors classes through school while boys are still sitting in the back of the classroom figuring out who farted — women have proven over and over to be more advanced than their yearly age would attest to.

Maturity is Overrated

And while the whole puberty age range is relatively fixed in the preteen-to-midteen years, let’s talk a little bit more about overall maturity.

According to a SURVEY BY NICKELODEON UK, we now have a better idea of the age ranges for actual maturity to be complete.

And yes, women do still mature earlier than men do — by 11 years.

Where women are fully mature at the age of 32, it takes 11 more years — until age 43 — for men to reach full maturity themselves.

And yes, according to the survey, it’s all about men who continue to laugh about fart jokes, burp at inappropriate moments, and continue to love fast food or cartoon character sheets well beyond the age that it makes sense to do so.