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The Three People Most Likely to be Fired from Any Job

How many companies have you worked for over your career?

Some people find one company and stay with them for years until retirement.  It’s rare to find them, but it’s possible to stick with a single organization for 25-30 years or longer.

Then there are some resumes you run across where people flip from company to company every 2-3 years without batting an eye.  They aren’t looking for long-term stability and career goals, but rather are just moving on to the next great hit.

So let’s look at this from the boss’ viewpoint:

The Prodigal Executive: How to Coach Executives Too Painful to Keep, Too Valuable to Fire

What do you do when you have an employee that you absolutely, positively must get rid of?  You’ve been told to reduce headcount, so who do you look for first?

Look, being fired isn’t a happy time.  Much better to be laid off than to get Trumped by surprise.

Here’s a list of THREE TYPES OF PEOPLE MOST LIKELY TO BE FIRED from any job, according to BusinessWeek:

So let’s think back to when you were last fired.  Which one of these three roles were you?