Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Eight Cellphone Etiquette Rules

Web Watch was at a business meeting the other day when the subject of cellphone apps came up as a natural part of the conversation.

It was a simple discussion among serious executives. It was, if you will allow the capital letters, a Very Serious Meeting.

And then someone at the table did the unthinkable.  They actually pulled out their cell phone.

Cell Phone Etiquette: Observations from a Mom

One would think that bringing out one’s cell during a conversation about mobile devices would not be a faux pas.

But there is a time and a place for doing so, and this was neither the time nor the appropriate moment for this to happen. Especially when the person in question proceeded to show off all the latest apps they have installed — an activity that definitely was not needed nor a positive contribution to the conversation at hand.  Needless to say, that person has not been invited back to subsequent meetings.

In other words, they burned themselves by being a bit too attached to their mobile device.

And it’s situations like the above that led DEBRETT’S to release their suggestions for these TOP EIGHT MOBILE PHONE ETIQUETTE RULES that everyone should follow:

And then there’s one more from Web Watch — act like you’ve owned a cellphone before.  There’s no reason to show it off to everyone around you, “hey check out my new phone!”.  Your phone is not a newborn child that everyone wants to coo over.  You’ll be throwing it into a drawer at the end of your two-year contract, so get over it.