Web Watch has seen some pretty stinky office bathrooms, both literally and figuratively.
There was one office bathroom where you had to get the key from the receptionist at the front desk, as locking the door was the only way to keep non-employees from using a bathroom that they weren’t supposed to have access to. We’re sure the receptionist didn’t like knowing each individual’s bathroom habits any more than we liked having to share them with her.
There was the office restroom that didn’t have any stall doors.
The bathroom that perpetually smelled like rotten fish.
And then there was the building that had a serial pooper. Every two weeks or so, a stranger would wander into the building and spread feces all over the men’s and women’s restrooms. This went on for about three months, until security was finally able to identify the mentally-challenged person and have them taken to a location that could help them.
So when Web Watch says that we know a bad office bathroom situation when we see – or smell – one, believe it.