10 Things

The Most Popular Words of the Year

♥ was the most popular word of 2014.

Most Popular Emojis
Most Popular Emojis

10 Things

Worst, Overused Corporate Buzzwords

We all have played BUZZWORD BINGO in our office meetings, conferences, and presentations.

Sometimes those corporate phrases are appropriate. Other times, it’s just a talking head trying to sound more important than they really are.  Everyone knows they have a job to do (one would think), so we don’t need the demotivating words and phrases that oft-repeated without any real substance behind them.

The Dictionary of Corporate Bullshit: An A to Z Lexicon of Empty, Enraging, and Just Plain Stupid Office Talk
The Dictionary of Corporate Bullshit:
An A to Z Lexicon of Empty, Enraging, and
Just Plain Stupid Office Talk


At what age do children learn to swear? (it’s younger than you think!)

Parents try very hard to avoid swearing in front of their children.

But it’s inevitable.  And whether they hear those words from their parents or learn those words while at school, at some point in your child’s life they will casually utter one of those Seven Dirty Words – and usually at the most inappropriate – albeit funny – moment.

The Very Inappropriate Word
The Very Inappropriate Word


No surprise: men interrupt conversations more than women do

Ever have a conversation with a man?

How hard is it to get a word in edgewise with them?  Pretty darn tough, isn’t it?  It’s surprising that men can even have a conversation with other men at all, isn’t it?

Interrupting Chicken
Interrupting Chicken

10 Things food Travel Websites

What do you call carbonated beverages: “Coke”, “Pop”, “Soda”?

When you’re traveling around the country and you pull into the local diner, how do you answer when the waitress asks you if you’d like a Coke?

Do you assume that she’s asking you if you actually would like a Coca-Cola product, or do you think she’s referring to any beverage generically as “Coke”?  For some, a pop is a soda. For others, a soda is a pop.

Coke or Pepsi?: The Book That Started It All!
Coke or Pepsi? Amazingly awesome questions to ask your friends!


What is the Made Up Words Project?

Every family has their own words or phrases for real-life things.

It could be a nickname for underwear (“gotchies”), or something a bit more insider.  Nicknames for siblings due to a pronounciation problem.  Even descriptions of neighbors can be turned into verbs, as Web Watch told you many, many years ago when discussing SECRET FAMILY WORDS.

Made Up Words
Made-Up Words


What’s the most misspelled word submitted in FCC indecency complaints?

We’ve all seen stuff on TV that we felt was questionable at times.

Whether it be the infamous Wardrobe Malfunction at the Super Bowl to graphic news coverage, there have been times that TV producers have pushed the envelope more than they should in order to meet artistic goals (or to gain a little press for themselves).

No longer is after 10p considered safe harbor for language or nudity, as cable channels don’t have to adhere to the same FCC regulations that broadcasters have to contend with.  So the broadcasters are forced to make programming decisions that reflect today’s society.

But just because they CAN make these choices, doesn’t mean they SHOULD make these choices.

Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication
Media and Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication

10 Things

How to win Buzzword Bingo

You’ve been in those boring business meetings, where the entire office gathers because they’re told to… only to do everything you can to keep from falling asleep because the people making the presentation have absolutely no idea how to make a presentation, let alone make one that’s interesting.

Let’s face it, not everyone is skilled at talking in front of other people.  And even fewer are able to get their points across if they can’t read their Powerpoint presentation verbatim, slide by boring slide.

The Buzzword Bingo Book: The Complete, Definitive Guide to the Underground Workplace Game of Doublespeak
The Buzzword Bingo Book: The Complete, Definitive Guide to the Underground Workplace Game of Doublespeak