Internet Websites

Take the Social Media challenge: don’t use any Social Media for at least 30 days

Steven Corona is the Chief Tech Officer at Twitpic, according to his website.

So you would think that someone who is that involved with social media — such as the relationship between Twitter and Twitpic, that going even one hour without using any form of social media would be akin to telling a race car driver that he can only walk to work.

So can you do what Steven decided to do?  Can you give up all forms of social media for thirty days?

The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success
The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools, and Strategies for Business Success

That’s what Steven did, and you should see the benefits and thoughts he has about what began as an experiment – and subsequently turned into more of a lifestyle change.

What he found is what everyone else turns a blind eye to:  that SOCIAL MEDIA IS A MAJOR TIME SUCK.

Once he began his 30-day purge, he found that he had a ton of available time.  Time to focus on his own hobbies and passions. Time to reconnect with friends in person rather than through a faceless connection.

Don’t want to listen to Web Watch’s take on this challenge?  Why not read this excerpt in Steven’s words:

Not knowing what your friends are doing every second is liberating. It’s amazing how much you have to talk about when you don’t have a constant plug into their life. I built stronger friendships and forged a couple of new ones, including a relationship.  Would I have made the same friends and started a new relationship if I was still on social media? Part of me can’t help but think that the mystery of not knowing all the gory details that Facebook provides made them more intriguing to me.

For Steven, what started out as being just a 30-day experiment to see if he could survive without social media has actually changed his life – and he would say, for the better.

And if his life is that much better without social media invading every moment of his life, think of how much better off YOU will be if you also gave up the constant clicky-clack of your smartphone keypad to check out the latest goings-on from your circle of online “friends”.


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