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How many babies are circumsized?

How many babies are circumsized in hospitals each year?

It can be a controversial conversation between new parents, to decide if circumcision is a procedure they want to put their newborn son through (if not for religious reasons).  Some women say that they prefer men who have been circumsized, while other women prefer those that aren’t.

There used to be a myriad of health reasons that would default the answer to circumsize, but in today’s health-aware world, those reasons are becoming less important – and many parents are choosing not to have their children go through the circumcision process.

The Circumcision Decision:
An Unbiased Guide for Parents

So how many babies are going through the process?

It does depend a littl bit on geography, according to a RECENT CDC REPORT ON HOSPITAL CIRCUMCISION.

Overall, an average of about 58% of all babies get circumsized at short-stay hospitals — and note, this figure does not include those that are circumsized outside of the hospital, such as during religious rituals.  This rate of hospital-based circumcisions has dropped in recent years, reflecting that parental trend to not subject their children to the surgery.