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How to win Buzzword Bingo

You’ve been in those boring business meetings, where the entire office gathers because they’re told to… only to do everything you can to keep from falling asleep because the people making the presentation have absolutely no idea how to make a presentation, let alone make one that’s interesting.

Let’s face it, not everyone is skilled at talking in front of other people.  And even fewer are able to get their points across if they can’t read their Powerpoint presentation verbatim, slide by boring slide.

The Buzzword Bingo Book: The Complete, Definitive Guide to the Underground Workplace Game of Doublespeak

And that’s where BUZZWORD BINGO was born.  It may not have made the meetings worthwhile, but they certainly help make the time pass a little bit faster for everybody in the back row.

But if you want to win BUZZWORD BINGO this year, you may want to fill out your bingo card with these TOP 15 BUSINESS WORDS THAT HAVE BEEN OVERUSED (way, way overused) IN 2013:

  1. Content
  2. Social Media
  3. Sustainability
  4. Transparency
  5. Literally
  6. Guru
  7. Utilize
  8. Robust
  9. Ping
  10. Big Data

You’ll have to click over for the last five.   But seriously, we can’t understand how “Social Media” didn’t make it to the #1 spot, considering its pretty much what every business is trying to be a part of.

What words do your managers use all the time that are just driving you crazy?  It used to be “paradigm”.  What is it today?