Web Gangsta – Web Watch

20 Pitch Phrases practically guaranteed to lead to Kickstarter Success

How’s your Kickstarter campaign coming along?

Are you struggling against the deadline, or do you think you’ll end up refunding all the money back to the contributors?

Any shark will tell you, it’s a tough sell to create an online pitch and successfully convince strangers to give you money for a product that may or may not be what they’re looking for.

Kickstarter for Dummies

So what would you do if Web Watch told you that we found a list that practically GUARANTEES success in reaching your funding goal?

Yup, it’s a list of 100 WORDS THAT PREDICT KICKSTART SUCCESS, along with a list of 100 WORDS PRACTICALLY GUARANTEED TO DRIVE PEOPLE AWAY FROM YOUR KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN.   And all this comes courtesy of a Georgia Tech study entitled The Language that Gets People to Give by Eric Gilbert and Tanushree Mitra

So without further ado, here are the top 20 phrases that you should include in your Kickstarter pitch; including these phrases should increase the likelihood of your campaign being funded:

  1. project will be
  2. has pledged
  3. pledged and
  4. we can afford
  5. used in a
  6. around new
  7. their creative
  8. mention your
  9. to build this
  10. option is
  11. workshop and
  12. the coming
  13. we have chosen
  14. and an invite
  15. all supporters
  16. pledgers will
  17. lane
  18. want them to
  19. got you
  20. and encouragement

and, as the study so nicely points out… your 21st pitch phrase for your Kickstarter success:


What are some phrases to avoid?  The study had some of those as well:

Yeesh – avoid the above phrases as well as the litany of other suggested word to avoid, also posted in the above link.