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What to eat before sex; what NOT to eat before sex

Some people don’t like to have sex after having a huge meal of pasta and beer.

“I’m too bloated, I feel fat. Don’t look at me.  <urp>”, they’ll say.

Others go out of their way to pile on a romantic dinner of strawberries, oysters, chocolate, and champagne, hoping to get their partner “into the mood”.

The question here is, IS EITHER PERSON RIGHT?

Food, Sex And Peace of Mind:
What A Woman Needs To Know To Keep A Man

Can there be specific foods that make one feel sexier and in the mood vs foods that are definitive turn-offs?

We’re not talking real aphrodisiacs here, just practical mood enhancers and mood killers.

And it ends up that there are 10 FOODS THAT YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY AVOID EATING BEFORE SEX, no matter what.

They are:

So now that you’re avoiding all sorts of bad things, what are SOME FOODS THAT YOU SHOULD TRY TO EAT BEFORE SEX?

How about some…