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10 Things That Are Different Between Men’s and Women’s Brains

It’s true, it’s true!

Men really are from Mars and women are from Venus… when it comes to our brains, that is.


They are:

  1. Human relationships.
    Women communicate better than men do, wanting to talk through issues.  Men are more task-oriented and don’t understand emotions that aren’t explicit.
  2. Left brain vs. both hemispheres.
    The left hemisphere of the brain works better for men than for women, but women tend to use their whole brain.  The left brain, for those who don’t know, is all about problem solving and other task-oriented activites.  The whole brain is better for more creative solutions.
  3. Mathematical abilities.
    Men have a larger inferior-parietal lobule (IPL) than women do, especially the left-hand side.  This is the section of the brain that is believed to handle math.  The right-hand side of the IPL is typically larger in women’s brains, and accounts for women being better able to focus on other things.
  4. Reaction to stress.
    Men typically tend to “fight or flight”.  Women often “tend and befriend”.  Yes, it’s most likely the estrogen talking.
  5. Language.
    Women have a larger language-area of the brain, leading women to be better at language skills. 
  6. Emotions.
    To nobody’s surprise, the part of the brain that handles all that emotion, nurturing, caring, feeling stuff – the deep limbic system – is larger in women. 
  7. Brain size.
    Because men are generally larger than women, a man’s brain is typically 11-12% larger than a woman’s.  
  8. Pain.
    When experiencing massive pain, women need more morphine than men.  It’s all because the man’s right amygdala handles pain triggers differently than a woman’s left amygdala does.
  9. Spatial ability.
    Men can visual stuff better than women do.  Just ask the parietal area of the brain.
  10. Susceptibility to disorders.
    And we’re back to the left-right brain thing again.  Men are more likely to have dyslexia or other language issues, whereas women are more likely to have mood disorders.  More men are left-handed than women are, and men are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD or autism.