Web Gangsta – Web Watch

The Crazy Art Lady is Selling Everything She Owns for £1

Sara Burden is self-proclaimed crazy.

She is SELLING EVERYTHING SHE OWNS FOR £1.  (She is careful to note that she is not selling her son or his toys)

Sara is doing this as an art project to show how people are defined by their stuff, and she wants you to participate.

From October 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 – all you have to do is email Sara your information, indicating that you would like to buy something.

Sara will randomly select an item from her pile of 40,000 items and send you an invoice that will cover postage and handling in addition to your £1.  What you get will be a mystery until the package arrives and you see what you’ve been sent.

You may be lucky – her VW car is one of the items to be sold.  Or you may not be so lucky and end up with a Q-tip (hopefully unused).