Web Gangsta – Web Watch

How much money can you make by blogging? Try $7.50/hour

Bloggers, being the new century journalists that they are (yes, we’re thinking of you Perez!), have to walk a fine line between the low-cost of entry to the world of online publishing and the low-cost return on investment they get on what they’re writing about.

This does explain the current glut of blog-as-book deals that Web Watch has shown you over the past few months, because mama bloggers gotta eat, and blogging by itself just isn’t enough to pay the bills.

How does Web Watch know this?  Only because someone has already done the analysis and run the math for us and CALCULATED HOW MUCH MONEY A FREELANCE BLOGGER SHOULD MAKE.

Obviously some bloggers make more money than others, as they should.  But generally speaking, a regular blogger-for-hire should expect to be paid about $10 per 250-word blog post.

Which, after you take out the 4% Paypal service charge (because who pays by check anymore?) and determine exactly how long it took you to write, proofread, and tag the post with the correct information — which, on average, is about an hour — you’ll find yourself left with making about $7.50 an hour.

Some quick math shows that at that rate you would have to write about 133,334 blog posts to earn your first million dollars just by blogging.  And if it takes about an hour to write each post, then you’re looking at a little more than 15 years of continual blog posts to do this.

Selling out and doing that blog-to-book thing doesn’t look like too bad a deal now, does it?