Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Not surprisingly, “underwear” still not on this year’s list of things to buy used

It’s been ONE YEAR SINCE WEB WATCH LAST WROTE ABOUT BUYING NEW or USED ITEMS, and it seems that the list of THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY NEW and THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER BUY USED have expanded from a list of 10 items each, to lists containing 20 (technically, 21) items each.

On the bright side, our original post identifying those 10 items on each list still holds true.    And yes, underwear is still on the “don’t buy used” list.

So think of this as an expanded update of THINGS THAT YOU SHOULDN’T BUY NEW and THINGS THAT YOU SHOULDN’T BUY USED.


  1. DVDs and CDs
  2. Books
  3. Video Games
  4. Special Occasion and Holiday Clothing
  5. Jewelry
  6. Ikea Furniture
  7. Games and Toys
  8. Maternity and Baby Clothes
  9. Musical Instruments
  10. Pets
  11. Home Accent Pieces
  12. Craft Supplies
  13. Houses
  14. Office Furniture
  15. Cars
  16. Hand Tools
  17. Sports Equipment
  18. Consumer Electronics — yes, Web Watch realizes that this one slightly contradicts many of the items on the “don’t buy used” list, but there are some items that still qualify as being perfectly good things to pick up at a local garage sale or classified ad.  Pinball machines, for example, are a much better deal when buying used versus buying new.  Just saying…
  19. Gardening Supplies
  20. Timeshares
  21. Recreational Vehicles



  1. Cribs and children’s furniture
  2. Car seats
  3. Bicycle helmets
  4. Tires
  5. Laptops
  6. Software
  7. Plasma and HDTVs
  8. DVD players
  9. Digital and video cameras
  10. Speakers and microphones
  11. Camera lenses
  12. Photo light bulbs
  13. Mattresses and bedding
  14. Swimsuits and underwear
  15. Wet suits
  16. Shoes
  17. Hats
  18. Makeup
  19. Pet supplies
  20. Vacuum cleaners