Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Texting while driving is dangerous. So is this…

Do you know what the texting-while-driving laws are where you live?

What about in states that you don’t live in, but travel to frequently?

Right – so you may know what you can or can’t do in the car in your own home state, but since these rules are so random, it’s hard to know what you should be aware of when you’re just passing through.

Don’t Text and Drive

But it shouldn’t be a surprise to know that you shouldn’t be TEXTING AND DRIVING.  That’s just common sense, right?

But in reality – how many of you are guilty of doing this?  It’s probably the most illegal thing that everybody partakes in, second only to cutting the tag off the bottom of the mattress.

But let’s take this one step further.

In New Jersey, courts have rules that IT’S ILLEGAL TO TEXT SOMEONE WHILE THEY ARE DRIVING.

More specifically, if you – as the texting party – know that the recipient is in the act of driving… then YOU could be held liable in any accident or incident that the driver is involved in when they’re trying to read or respond to your message.

Is that fair? Probably not.

But Web Watch figures it should be easier to call someone while they’re in the car rather than texting.  Too many people think that texting is an easier way to communicate… but we all know that’s not true.  Calling is always easier – and faster – way to get information shared to the people who need it.