Web Gangsta – Web Watch

20 Toddler Rules Every Parent Must Know

Web Watch has a number of friends who are just beginning the joy of parenthood.  For them, this post is for you as your journey begins.

(For those of you considering children in the future, let this be a warning. For those of you who have already successfully raised their children, you may sit back and laugh, nodding your head with the knowledge you have gained over the years.)

Making the “Terrible” Twos Terrific

Our friends over at the Huffington Post have compiled this LIST OF 20 TODDLER RULES that pretty much explains everything that goes through a child’s mind as they wander around the house.

Much of this sounds very similar to the HOW TO PREPARE FOR PARENTHOOD list that we shared all the back in 1994 — so the more times change, the more things stay the same.

Here are some classic items from the HuffPo piece.  Be sure to click over to see the full list: