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Where did you meet your spouse?

Where did you meet your spouse?

Was it at some cheesy bar during Mardis Gras?  Was it on the plane ride home from a bachelor party in Las Vegas? Or was it merely by being introduced through your circle of friends?

Web Watch knows people who’ve gone deep into long-term relationships based on all the above, which just goes to show that sometimes it’s all about where you are at the time rather than what you’re doing at the time as to what determines who you may end up forever.

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But some people do have a more difficult time meeting potential spouses than others, which brings up the question: HOW DID YOU MEET YOUR SPOUSE?

According to a recent study into the matter, the vast majority of us – 30% – meet through friends and other established relationships.

Other ways people meet:

And just because it’s part of the research that the CDC releases: