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Four years ago, NASA hired a “scent consultant” to develop a smell that could be used to train astronauts on what to expect when they finally get to outer space.

And now, we finally know the answer to WHAT SPACE SMELLS LIKE.

According to Steve Pearce, the creator of the “Eau de Space” perfume, outer space smells smoky, burned, a little bitter…. like a combination of gunpowder, seared steak, raspberries, and rum.

And now, if you want to smell like an astronaut, you can pledge money to the EAU DE SPACE Kickstarter (deadline of October 2020).

Visit the Eau De Space Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eaudespace/what-does-outer-space-smell-like-nasa-designed-fragrance

Read more about the company that was hired to create the Smell of Space: https://www.omegaingredients.co.uk/