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How to Have Sex in a Snuggie – the SnuggieSutra

The Snuggie has become a cult phenomenon.

Snuggies are all over TV.

College kids are having Snuggie Bar Crawls.

They even have Snuggies for Horses.

So what is it about the blanket with sleeves that has everyone all excited?  Because the Snuggie allows you to do things that would normally be difficult if a traditional blanket got in the way.

So claims the writers of the SNUGGIE SUTRA, the ultimate guide for how to have sex in a Snuggie.Some of the positions that the SnuggieSutra endorses are:

Of course, you should feel free to come up with your own and submit them to the site. Web Watch is sure that the SnuggieSutra will appreciate your contributions.