Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Armpits may be stinky, but it’s a pretty stink

Dove Ultimate

Dove, the skin care folks, have asked this question of women everywhere:  “DO YOU LOVE YOUR ARMPITS?”.

Would you believe that 93% of women surveyed said, “no”?

That’s right – women don’t care for their own armpits… yet Web Watch knows some women who love sticking their nose directly into their man’s armpits, just to take a big whiff.

Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  But we digress…

Which is why Dove decided to come out with DOVE ULTIMATE – GO SLEEVELESS anti-perspirant.  Because a woman confident with her own armpits will be confident in other aspects of her life.

You can learn more about Dove’s goal of making armpits prettier on their Facebook page.

Web Watch can’t help but think about how Dove decided that armpits would be their next zone of attack after their line of face and body washes have succeeded.  We think it must be because we wrote about THE GROWING TREND OF ARMPIT IMPROVEMENT PLASTIC SURGERY last year.

Yup, even with armpits, it’s all about Web Watch.