Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Just what every 78-year-old man needs: an 18-year-old wife

Remember when WEB WATCH told you about the PERFECT AGE DIFFERENCE FOR DATING?

Apparently, that’s a bunch of hooey, depending on who you talk with.

Dating the Older Man:
Consider Your Differences and Decide if He’s Right for You

A new survey from a sugar daddy dating website (you know, one of those websites that cater specifically to older gentlemen and younger… much younger… ladies?), women are taking that PERFECT DATING AGE GAP and throwing their cares to the wind.

What they found is that most women – 52% of those surveyed – would love to date a man who was 30 years older than they were.

Granted, most of those women who felt this way lived in Oregon… and we don’t even know what that means.

More shocking… or not, considering where the survey was originating from.. were that:

As for where those women who were interested in a man 60+ years older than they were?  If this appeals to you — that would be 78-year-old looking to date an 18-year-old, if you needed a reference — these women can be found in Minnesota, Nevada, Massachusetts, Indiana, and Hawaii.