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Cougartown is real, and it’s spectacular

Web Watch has told you about the ideal age difference between couples, and we’ve also told you that you shouldn’t date someone who was younger than half your age plus seven.

But that type of thing really only comes into play if both parties in the couple adhere to the same rulebook.

Cougar Town
Cougar Town

According to a survey by Older Women Dating (the self-proclaimed “most effective Cougar dating site for Older Women dating Younger Men“), more and more older women are seeking out younger men to have their business with.

42% of older women are either married to or involved with younger men.

What’s interesting in this — at least, if one is to believe a press release — it’s not just the women seeking out the younger men… but the younger men who actively seek out the older women!

Look, we get the older-wanting-younger phenomenon.  But what do you think the reasons are that the attraction goes the other way?  Think about that, then post your thoughts in the comments here….