Web Gangsta – Web Watch

Feeling Lucky? How to use Google for Fun!


Looking for something fun to do?

Why not take a few minutes to poke around with Google?

(“Hey, Web Watch – we already know how to use Google,” you say.  Of course you do.  But here’s how to have FUN with Google search…)

I’m Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59

You know how Google does that cute little autocomplete thing when you start to type in a search term?

What Google is doing is making some educated guesses about the next letters or words you’re going to type, based on other popular phrases that Google has been requested to return results for.

So 10 years ago, if you started typing “Obama”, Google would likely have no idea what you would be searching for.  Today, Google will start autopopulating that search with “Obama Approval Rating” or “Obama Birth Certificate” — both having been popular search phrases in recent months/years.

So what are some of the things that you can get Google to show you?  Let’s take a look at some sample phrases found with just a few letters:

Just use the basic “How”, “Can”, “When”, “What” (etc) type questions and a few of your favorite letters, and you’ll be laughing all night long… and come up with one or two zinger questions to ask at your next social gathering.