Did you live with your spouse first before you were married?
Web Watch knows a ton of people who lived together while engaged, and we also know one or two couples who’s first time sharing a home together is after the wedding.
Which of these two groups do you fall into?
Living Together:
A Legal Guide for Unmarried Couples
Some people say that living together is like a practice run before marriage. Others say that everything changes immediately after getting hitched.
There are people who believe that those who live together before marriage will only get divorced faster than those who don’t shack up first.
But guess what?
Divorce is NOT caused by premarital co-habitation at all. In fact, the study from UNC said that a full 66% of all marriages start with the couples living together. In fact, more than half of all those living together didn’t move in with each other until they had spent about 14 months dating first.
Researchers believe that longer “courting time” is what can lead to more successful marriages compared to shorter courtships of less than 8 months.
So now we know – date longer, move in together, THEN get married. Nothing wrong with long engagements – at least the chances of getting divorced are not based on whether you’re living together first or not