This week I received my D23 membership card.
The mailer that came with the card said this:
Welcome to D23: The Official Community for Disney Fans!
We are thrilled you have joined us to celebrate the magic of Disney’s past, present, and future. Through D23, you will go backstage, behind closed doors and get the inside scoop from every part of Disney, while experiencing the nostalgia, adventure, and fantasy of Disney as never before.
Included here is your personalized membership card. Within 1-2 weeks you should receive your welcome letter, membership certificate, and first copy of Disney twenty-three. Your special gift from the Walt Disney Archives Collection will arrive separately.
Stay connected with D23 at With breaking news, feature stories, insightful columns, vintage comics, and much more, D23’s web site will keep you plugged into Disney on a daily basis.
Once again, we are so happy you could “join the jamboree,” and we look forward to bringing you the best of Disney.
Here is the disclaimer that is printed on the mailer where the card was attached, as well as printed on the back of the card itself:
This Card’s sole purpose is to confirm the current D23 Membership status of the D23 Member whose name appears on it. When presented, along with valid photo identification and required paid admission, ticket or reservation, this Card also grants the D23 Member access to D23 Member special events, including one-hour early admission to the D23 Expo, but does not guarantee entry when space is limited. This Card does not entitle the D23 Member to free or discounted admission to, or any other special privileges with, and Disney or Disney-affiliated entity, location or program, including without limitation theaters, retail locations, theme parks, resorts, cruise ships, online destinations, restaurants, merchandise outlets or service providers. This Card is nontransferable, by sale or otherwise, must be surrendered upon request, and expires and is of no further use or value on expiration date that appears here.
In other words, the Disney Lawyers wanted to be very clear about shutting down potential abuses of the card by over-zealous D23 members who try to get something for nothing in areas the D23 club was not intended to be used. I know it’s still early in the process, but I hope that there is more news about future D23 Member special events soon, as that appears to be the only thing that the card will be good for.
Keeping the first-year members happy should be a priority, as those people should be the easiest ones to sell a renewal membership to next year.