Web Watch does get out to travel once in a while, and we do our best to try to present ourselves as a courteous tourist on occasion.
Lord knows, cities around the world have opened up their doors to welcome Web Watch and we want to be invited back. More times than we can count, our kindness to our hosts has been reciprocated back tenfold.
But there are places in this world where the residents look down on tourists with disdain.
Rude London: Snapshots of a City with Its Pants Down
And that’s what SKYSCANNER found out when they asked over 1,200 people for their opinion on who the WORLD’S RUDEST COUNTRIES would be.
Take a guess at number one?
Yeah, it’s France. Apparently, everything you’ve heard about the French and their attitudes is true. No stereotyping here, it seems, as over 20% of the vote went to putting the French back in their place.
Others on the list:
- #2: Russia
- #3: The UK
- #4: Germany
- #5: China
- #6: The US
- #7: Spain
- #8: Italy
- #9: Poland
- #10: Turkey