
New school policy helps spread head lice among students

Parents have it tough when their kids get sick.

Do you keep the kids at home, where you have to either take your own sick day or find a babysitter?  Or do you send the kids to school so they can maintain their 100% attendance record?

Maybe you should just let the schools decide for you.

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Because there are now some NEW SCHOOL POLICIES IN THE US (particularly in Tennessee, California, Florida, Nebraska, New Mexico, and South Carolina thus far) that are telling parents that they need to just send their LICE-INFESTED KIDS TO SCHOOL.


That’s right.  Send the lice heads to school.

Why?  Aren’t they just going to infect everybody in the school and cause more problems and concerns for other families?


But that doesn’t seem to bother school officials as they are trying to keep the self-esteem of these dirty, filthy kids from dropping too low.  A drop in self-esteem that can be caused by telling kids that they can’t come to school because of the lice infestation.

The schools would rather have the lice be brought into the school rather than keeping the kids home and feeling like they’re missing out on whatever classwork is being done.  Lice may be embarrassing, they say, but there’s nothing technically germ- or disease-related about it.

So parents: maybe you need to pay attention to what your child’s class is doing.  If Little Suzy from down the street gets lice, you may want to keep your kid at home – just to be on the safe side. You never know if Suzy will show up in class, but with more self-esteem than you could shake a stick at.