Want to know the scoop about what makes a particular song sound good or not? Might as well start with what science says are the ingredients that make up the MOST UNDESIRABLE SONG.
- Over 25 minutes long
- Has both loud and quiet sections, fast and slow tempos, different pitches
- Large orchestra featuring bagpipes, accordion, and banjos
- Lyrics cover topics such as cowboys and holidays
And now that you know what makes a song suck, let’s look at what makes a good song:
This very unscientific report comes to the same conclusion reached earlier – that “There She Goes” (by The La’s or Sixpence None the Richer, take your pick) is the gold standard when it comes to pop songs.
Other songs on the list?
- REM’s “Get Up”
- Tom Petty’s “Don’t Do Me Like That”
- The Beatle’s “Michelle”
- Patsy Cline’s “Crazy”
- English Beat’s cover of “Tears of a Clown”
Oh, there are others that make the cut – but you should do your own research and prove this one to yourselves.