Funny TV

The Best SNL Skits EVER (so far…)

The Best of Saturday Night Live
The Best of Saturday Night Live

Last season’s season finale proved that Justin Timberlake is the ultimate Saturday Night Live host. 

Practically every skit he’s ever in has been a slamdunk.  He can sing, he can act, he has absolutely no qualms about doing any thing for a laugh — all qualities for the most successful SNL hosts.

He’s won Emmy awards for his song-writing skills on the show too.

So as we’re on the verge of another SNL season opener, Web Watch wanted to take a look at one list of the 50 BEST SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE SKITS.

And we’ve got to say that while there have been some absolutely awesome skits over the decades that SNL has been a part of our semi-weekly routine, we think everyone can agree that those skits that made the TOP TEN of this list are certainly deserving of their making the grade:

  • Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat
  • Chris Farley lives in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER
  • More Cowbell
  • Dick in a Box
  • Waynes World
  • Tina Fey as Sarah Palin
  • James Brown Celebrity Hot Tub
  • Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze as Chippendale Dancers
  • The Chanukah Song
  • Harry Caray on Weekend Update

Okay, maybe Harry Caray wasn’t up to par with the other 9 “top ten” items, but at least Alec Baldwin’s Schweddy Balls made it in as the honorable mention number 11 on the list.

Celebrity Jeopardy, Lazy Sunday, Mr Robinson’s Neighborhood are fine.  Brian Fellows?  Not so much.




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