
Want better sleep? Try NOT sleeping with someone

The Effortless Sleep Method: The Incredible New Cure for Insomnia and Chronic Sleep Problems
The Effortless Sleep Method:
The Incredible New Cure for Insomnia and Chronic Sleep Problems

Have you been sleeping soundly at night?

Web Watch knows that some people can’t sleep due to work stress, poor health, bad pillow choices, or other reasons that could be reasonably solved through outside means (given enough time, of course – go with the concept here).

However, a study by a sleep specialist at the University of Surrey says that the real problem with people having trouble sleeping is not necessarily any of those outside influences, but maybe because of WHO YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH.

Dr Stanley says that the problem is that people were never designed to share a bed with another person.  His study showed that people suffered from 50% more sleep disruptions when they sleep with someone else than when they sleep in a separate bed.

Dr Stanley says that bad sleep can lead to depression, heart disease, strokes, or other bad health situations.   So while you may feel better mentally when you fall asleep with your significant other within a hands-reach away, your body may feel otherwise.

So, still having trouble sleeping?  Try sleeping in a separate bed or even a separate room, see how that works for you.  Doesn’t mean you don’t love your partner any less.  Just means you want to sleep a little better without them around.