10 Things

Survey says that some men think it’s okay to hit women


A recent survey has come out that asked over 1,000 men if it was okay to hit a woman if she did something to make him angry.

Please Don't Hit or Hurt Me Anymore: Finding Courage In Times of Verbal Abuse and Domestic Violence
Please Don’t Hit or Hurt Me Anymore:
Finding Courage In Times of Verbal Abuse and Domestic Violence

We shouldn’t be shocked that the survey was done in the first place — all sorts of surveys are conducted every day on various topics.

This particular survey was entitled MEN’S ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIORS TOWARD VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, and was held to determine men’s perceptions and attitudes of domestic violence, and particularly violence against women.

The survey asked men about whether they felt it was NOT acceptable to either physically assault or yell at women under various circumstances.  While the survey results are fairly positive in that in all cases, over 91% of men surveyed said it was never okay to assault a woman for the reasons cited, that the numbers were not at 100% against should be of concern.

Looking at the percentages for those who said that they would hit a woman:

  • 4% – if she refused to have sex
  • 5% – if she didn’t keep up with domestic chores
  • 5% – if she makes him look stupid in front of friends
  • 6% – if she argues or refuses to obey him
  • 8% – if she does something to make him angry
  • 9% – if she admits to having sex with another man

To put this into perspective, 14% of those surveyed said that they agree with the statement, “women often say ‘no’ when they mean ‘yes’.”   

Yeah, that ain’t right.

In happier news — while it’s not 100% of those surveyed, 91% said that they would likely intervene if they knew someone was in a violent relationship.    And 99% said that men can make a difference in promoting respectful, non-violent relationships.

Apparently, we still have a long way to go before the serious issue of domestic violence is something that only happens in history books.