Web Watch knows it’s hot out there.
You’re hot. We’re hot. It’s walking on the sun, hot.
So what better way to cool off than to start planning your Christmas holiday light display?
Dueling Banjos at Christmas
It’s definitely not too early, especially when you see how easy it can be to be one of those Xmas nerds you see on the evening news every year with the Most Awesome Light Display Ever.
Look, some of those people are making Big Money on their YouTube channels, so feel free to use this as an opportunity to show them up and do your own fancy light parade.
And Web Watch is going to point you in the right direction — and it’s not to one of those prepackaged kits from Home Depot or Costco that have 8 different songs and a limited set of flashing LED bulbs.
This one is going to take a little bit of work on your part, but the end result is AWESOME. And since you have a few months, there’s plenty of time for you to tinker around with the wiring – and more importantly, the music and timing – so you’ll be all set and ready to go come November when you need to hook all this stuff up.
All you need to do is pop over to LIGHT-O-RAMA and order one of their ready-made controller kits and associated software packages.
One light controller can be fed music and programming instructions from a dedicated computer, and can handle the synchronization of up to 16 different lighting segments. If you really want to go crazy, you can hook up as many as 200 different controllers to a single computer program — but let’s not attempt that on our first Christmas extravaganza, shall we?
Sure, it’ll run you a few hundred dollars and countless hours of time getting that music and light show just right. But you’ll be thanking Web Watch later for suggesting you get off your lazy summer ass and start working on something that’s going to be awesome, if you only had enough time to do it.
And it will definitely be better than that guy down the street who left their icicle lights hanging year-round because they were too lazy to take them down. Isn’t it time for you to show off a little bit?