10 Things Internet Websites

The Five Most Visited Websites

How many websites do you visit in a day?  Week?  Month?

We know, just from you reading this today, that you visit at least one website that we know about.  And chances are, you got here after visiting a search engine or a link from another site.

And it’s really hard to guess what the LEAST VISITED WEBSITE IN THE WORLD is, because there are any number of purchased domains that some bloke is using for their own personal storage space rather than serving a public service.  For every website that you may have heard of, there are likely thousands that are only known about by the person who purchased the domain name.

Maps and the Internet
Maps and the Internet

So why not take a look at what you think are the MOST VISITED WEBSITES IN THE WORLD.  You can do this by checking out the INTERNET MAP.

Based solely on data from (questionable) traffic reporter ALEXA — we say “questionable” based on how Alexa gathers data not necessarily being representative of every Internet user — the FIVE MOST VISITED SITES are:

  1. Google
  2. Facebook
  3. Youtube
  4. Yahoo

None of this should really be a surprise to anyone.

So let’s scroll in one level deeper on THE INTERNET MAP and see what else comes to light as a MOST VISITED WEBSITE:

  • Wikipedia
  • Twitter
  • MSN
  • Bing

Think your website gets a lot of traffic?  Type in their doman name in the search box and drill down to see what other sites you’ve been lumped with on this visual display.  You may surprised to see that your site is not nearly as popular as you thought it was, especially when compared to others.