Buying the perfect gift for someone can be difficult – especially if you’ve already run through a list of all their favorite things over the years. How many coffee mugs, fun socks, or wacky t-shirts does one person need?
Web Watch may have stumbled upon the perfect personalized gift for the loved one in your life.
Saturday Night Live has become an institution over the decades, and chances are it’s not going away anytime soon.
And while the on-screen cast may come and go over the years, the behind-the-scenes crew at SNL has been there through it all. Some of the current staff claim to have worked the very first show with George Carlin hosting.
Take SNL’s official cue card guy, Wally Feresten.
Wally’s been with Saturday Night Live for 30 years – writing and holding the cue cards that the entire cast gets to read from. Wally’s been so good at creating (and holding up) cue cards, that he’s even started his own 20-person company, NEW YORK CITY Q-Cards, Inc. You can read more about Wally’s fascinating story about how he became the “go to” cue card guy for SNL, Conan, and countless other programs, sitcoms and award shows on his I’M A CUE CARD GUY essay.
You’d think that being a professional cue card writer, that the job would be easy.
It’s not.
According to one of Wally’s employees, a job of cue-card writing can be a rough 14-hour day… of just writing.
And now, for $55 apiece, Wally will write a customized cue card just for you.
The most popular request for Wally to put on a cue card? “LIVE FROM NEW YORK!”
How to order a personalized cue card from Wally: