10 Things News

Playboy’s List of Top Party Schools 2006

Playboy has released their list of the TOP 10 PARTY SCHOOLS FOR 2006:

  1. University of Wisconsin-Madison
  2. UC Santa Barbara
  3. Arizona State University
  4. Indiana University
  5. San Diego State
  6. Florida State Univeristy
  7. Ohio University
  8. University of Georgia (UGA)
  9. University of Tennessee
  10. McGill University
10 Things News

Playboy’s List of Top Party Schools

Playboy started publishing a list of the TOP PARTY SCHOOLS back in 1987. That list was created from surveys of students, and was fairly straightforward. 15 years later in 2002, Playboy published an updated Top Party Schools list.

For their first list in 1987, Playboy surveyed “club leaders, dorm rush chairmen, fraternity presidents, and other campus socialites” at more than 250 college campuses across the country, and compiled this student-generated list of which schools were the BIGGEST PARTY SCHOOLS at the time. 

 Here are the 40 entries on PLAYBOY’S 1987 LIST OF TOP PARTY SCHOOLS: