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The Great American Wiknic – the Picnic Anyone can Edit

Eco Wine & Cheese Picnic Cooler
Eco Wine & Cheese Cooler

Who doesn’t like picnics at this time of year?

Especially given an opportunity to meetup with strangers that all share a common goal of editing and improving WIKIPEDIA.

That’s why Wikipedia has decided to call Saturday, June 25th the GREAT AMERICAN WIKNIC.

What is it?  It’s a nationwide get-together/picnic/wiki-Meetup event, all scheduled to occur on the same day, in order to encourage face-to-face meetings of the Wikipedians.

It’s a bring-your-own event, as the only think Wikipedia is providing is the date and a place to organize the location.  Whatever you decide to do from that point is up to you.

Some Wiknics already have city permits and pavilion reservations in their local parks, while others are still gathering their thoughts as to who’s attending and where it’s going to be held.

So if you’re interested in meeting the others out there who are keeping Sarah Palin’s Paul Revere comments alive, this is one event you won’t want to miss…