10 Things Disney

Top 10 Happiest Places to Work

Web Watch has said it before and we’ll say it again: if you’re not happy at work, then you need to find a new opportunity.

Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule.

If you know that what you’re doing now is merely temporary, then no need to rock the boat and jump ship before you’re ready to do so. And there are different ways to measure happiness – sometimes the job you’re doing now may not be making you happy per se, but it allows you to do other things that do.  Like that overnight shift may not be ideal, but it frees up your daytime hours to spend time with the kids or attend school to be able to advance to the next career choice.

Powered by Happy: How to Get and Stay Happy at Work (Boost Performance, Increase Success, and Transform Your Workday)
Powered by Happy:
How to Get and Stay Happy at Work
(Boost Performance, Increase Success, and Transform Your Workday)

The folks over at CAREER BLISS have compiled their annual SURVEY OF THE HAPPIEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR.  Interestingly, two government locations show up in the top 10.

  1. Pfizer
  2. NASA
  3. US Department of Defense
  4. KBR
  5. Cisco Systems
  6. Motorola
  7. Avaya
  8. General Electric
  9. Qualcomm
  10. Conizant

And Disney, the “Happiest Place on Earth”?

They’re stuck at #23.  Must be the mice.