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The Roommate from Hell

Web Watch agrees that this type of thing can happen to anyone. 

Everybody has some odd roommate story that they can share.  We went through 6 months of one roommate never doing their own laundry.


Yeah, it’s true.  Many years back, we shared an apartment with two guys… and one of them, apparently, didn’t have any socks of his own.  He would “borrow” socks from Web Watch (we shudder to think if he was “borrowing” underpants from our other roommate), and then toss the dirtys into the appropriate hamper for the unsuspecting soul to wash on laundry day.

For a while, Web Watch could never understand why we were always running out of clean socks ahead of where we thought we would be in the laundry cycle.   Sure, we figured it out – but by then, it was too late.  A use pattern had set in.

Luckily, we were able to kick him out – and laundry returned to normal levels.


The New York Co-op Bible: Everything You Need to Know About Co-ops and Condos: Getting In, Staying In, Surviving, Thriving
The New York Co-op Bible:
Everything You Need to Know About Co-ops and Condos:
Getting In, Staying In, Surviving, Thriving

So when Web Watch read this allegedly true story of MEAT LOVER: THE SCARIEST New York City SUBLET STORY YOU’VE EVER HEARD, we could definitely believe that it could happen.

Now, we won’t ruin the surprise here.

Suffice it to say that it has to do with an ex-girlfriend, a “dude funk” smell, a little bit of alcohol, chinese food, and one unsuspecting roomie.

Yeah, it’s not pretty.

But it does bring up the question:  WHAT’S YOUR WORST ROOMMATE STORY?  Leave it in the comments below: