10 Things Funny Websites

Santa is NOT “a bit creepy”

Raise your hand if you believe in Santa Claus.

Note that Web Watch didn’t write “if you still believe”, as the word “still” implies that there’s a time when you naturally stop believing in what Santa’s all about.

Santa Costume
Santa Costume

We know this because Web Watch has gotten hold of SANTA’S BUSINESS PLAN FOR REFRESHING THE SANTA CLAUS BRAND, and we want to share some of the key points from what Santa has in store for us as he works to revamp his image.

  • *Santa* is a concept, not an idea.  It’s an emotion, not a feeling.
  • If Santa were a bird, it would be a stork.  If it were a holiday, it would be Easter
  • The Santa brand is built on a foundation of gullibility and deceit
  • While Santa is at the maximum scale of Fatiness vs Beardiness… who’s at the exact opposite end of the spectrum?  Miley Cyrus
  • Not only is Santa NOT a bit creepy, he’s also not morbidly obese.  Please use the phrases “fond of children” or “round and jolly” instead.

If you’re looking to revamp your own personal brand, it may be worthwhile to take a look at Santa’s playbook, and see what ideas you can steal from there for your own purposes.